Withdrawal 2024-25 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Student Name *Student's Grade Level for the 2024-2025 School Year *Pre-KKindergartenFirstSecondThirdFourthFifthSixthSeventhEighthReason for Withdrawal: *Please select one: *I am submitting this form before April 1, 2024 at 11:59 PM. I understand that I have no further financial responsibility for the 2024-2025 school year contract. My submitted enrollment fee is non-refundable.I am submitting this form on or after April 2, 2024. I understand that I am responsible for the year’s complete tuition per section 4 and 5 from the contract. See below:4. Unconditional Responsibility. Parent/Guardian understands that the enrollment obligation for the full academic year is unconditional and that all tuition, deposits and fees are non-refundable, regardless of absence, withdrawal or dismissal of this student from the School. Parent/Guardian agrees to assume unconditional responsibility for the full annual tuition and fees, regardless of student’s ability to complete the academic year, and the costs of collection thereof, including reasonable attorney fees unless this contract is timely cancelled as set forth in paragraph five. 5. Binding Deadline. Parent/Guardian understands and agrees that this contract may be cancelled in writing, without penalty (except forfeiture of the non-refundable enrollment fee) if written notification of the student’s withdrawal is received by the Head of School by April 1, 2024. Parent/Guardan 1 Signature *Parent/Guardan 2 SignatureWebsiteSubmit