Redwood Attendance Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Redwood Attendance PoliciesYour child’s attendance is key to a successful school year. It is important for students to keep up with their attendance and be at school every day. Student attendance will be reported to that student’s county of residence as mandated by the Kentucky Board of Education. Excessive absences and tardiness could result in decreased learning and difficulties in social and emotional development—which may result in a student being unprepared for the next grade level. We understand that emergencies do come up which would impact coming to school. If a student continually misses days throughout the school year or has excessive tardies, we will work with the student's family to help them stay on track with attendance. Date of Absence or Tardy: *Student Name *Class Placement *SELECTPre-K 1 (Shackleford and Keller)Pre-K 2 (Crawford and Brock)EE 1 (Springer and Sanders)EE 2 (Williams and James)LE 1 (York and Jones)LE 2 (Simpson and Estorer)UE 1 (Kalyan and Schaftlein)UE 2 (Sayles and Schaftlein)MS (Dalibor, Franklin and Coning)My Student Will be Absent: *All dayA portion of the school dayMy student will arrive late and I will drop them off at:DateTimeMy student will have an early dismissal and I will pick them up at:DateTimePlease note that we do not do early dismissals after 2:45 pm.Reason for Absence/Tardy: *Guardian Name Completing this Form: *Guardian Preferred Contact Phone Number: *Any additional information (if applicable):Submit