Middle School

Progressive Education through Project-Based Learning

Our middle school program (6th-8th grade) follows the Redwood model of progressive education, empowering students to engage in the process of their learning through experiential and inquiry-driven instruction. Math, English Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, and humanities curriculum integrates national and state standards into our project-based learning model. This model allows our students to not only acquire knowledge but develop problem solving and critical thinking skills.

Each day at Redwood, middle school students rotate through classes, including math, English language arts, science, and social studies. They also choose semester long elective classes in art, music, STEM, Physical Education, and Spanish. Throughout their week and courses, there is a focus on inquiry-based projects.Students have the opportunity to learn in different spaces, with different teachers, and with various groupings of same and mixed age/grade peers while still maintaining a daily routine that builds connections and relationships with core teachers. In addition to their academic time, middle school students at Redwood have two periods of unstructured outdoor time daily. These outdoor times provide students with the opportunity to release energy, build social skills, resolve conflicts, and develop an appreciation for nature. The structure of our day and the time dedicated to fostering relationships allow our students to be seen as a whole-child throughout their middle grades years.


Redwood Cooperative School Middle School is a full-day, 8:15 am-3:15 pm program.

After school care, as well as many extracurricular and athletic programs are also offered for an additional charge.

Class Size & Ratio

Middle school class ratios are approximately 15:1. Students are grouped with different peers for different classes throughout the day.

Interested in enrolling your child at Redwood?