BACK TO SCHOOL paperwork
Dear Redwood families,
Thank you to all of you that have already submitted your back-to-school required paperwork.
There is still time to complete your paperwork by July 5, 2022.
**Please note: returning families are asked to complete the back to school paperwork each year**
Additionally, Redwood Cooperative School requires completion of a background check for any family member who plans to volunteer during the school day or attend any field trips during the year. There is no fee for these background checks to be completed at this time. Completed paperwork can be returned to the Redwood office or placed in the locked mailbox outside of the front door. The three required forms are available at the buttons below.
For your student’s physical file, you will need (and should begin collecting now) the following:
- a copy of your student’s birth certificate (new families only)
- an updated immunization record (please note the new Hep A requirement of two injections)
- an updated COVID vaccine record (if applicable)
- a preventative healthcare screening completed by your child’s physician (this can be completed by your physician for any well-visit appointment within the last 12 months; new families or kindergarten families only)
There are two additional requirements for incoming kindergarten students:
- a completed eye exam form (due by January 1, 2023)
- a completed dental exam form (due by January 1, 2023)
**Please note: returning families are only asked to provide physical file information if your student’s immunization record is expired or a preventative health screening, eye or dental exam is required for your student’s incoming grade level. If your immunization record is expired, you will receive a separate communication from me.**
All physical file items are due no later than Monday, August 8, 2022.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me at Please note: Redwood does not have a fax machine, so most pediatrician’s offices will require families to receive a hard copy of immunization and preventative health records to provide to the school.
We are looking forward to a wonderful 2022-2023 school year!